Privacy Policy

This is a web site of Designer Stencils

Our postal address is:
Designer Stencils
7 Center Road West, Old Saybrook, CT 06475

We can be reached via e-mail at: or by telephone at 1-800-334-1776. 

Designer Stencils currently meets or exceeds all PCI DSS compliance standards (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards).

Orders placed with Designer Stencils online or over the phone are encrypted using the most secure 256 bit SSL Technology. Our site uses an digital certificate. With and Geotrust® 256 bit SSL Technology, information sent via the Internet is encrypted to protect access to communications and transactions.

  Name: Designer Stencils
  Address: 7 Center Road West 
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475 
  Telephone: 860-395-0150

SSL certificates from GeoTrust® are the ultimate online security and trust solution delivering both 256-bit encryption and the True Site™ trust mark providing third-party website identity validation. The presence of SSL means you can rest assured that communications (e.g. credit card numbers) between your browser and this site's web servers are private and secure when the SSL session is activated. True Site is subject to the Relying Party Agreement. Please visit GeoTrust for more information about Internet trust services.

With True Site™ you can rest assured your transaction will be 100% safe.

We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We only have access to and collect information that you voluntarily provide to us via email or other direct contact with you. We will use your information to respond to you regarding the reason you contacted us as well as to support your needs if necessary. We will not share this information to any third party outside of our organization other than as necessary to fulfill your request, e.g. to ship an order. We will use this information to help improve Stencil Ease and our related businesses and successors. We will not sell or rent this information to any external party.

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