A How to Guide for Under the Sea Mural


1. After you decide where to stencil this mural, tape off the area with painter's tape. We have used an area 4 feet high by 5 feet wide, but your mural may be any size you like.

2. Using white flat latex paint, apply a nice even coat inside the taped off area. Let this dry completely. After the white paint is dry, prepare the pale blue latex paint by mixing it with 75% of the liquid glaze. This glaze will thin the paint and slow down the drying process, allowing you plenty of time to work in the blue background with the sponge.

3. Cut your sponge in half. Dip one of the halves into the blue mixture and "wash" the paint over the white area, using long left to right strokes, letting some white areas show through to create depth. Leave some areas with more white, some with more blue to create a watery look. Let this dry for at least 24 hours.

4. If you are interested in having sand along the bottom of your mural, use the same "washing" technique with your beige paint as you did with the blue mixture. This time mix 50% paint with 50% liquid glaze. We suggest that the sand be about 6 inches high.

5) While you are waiting for the paint to dry, you can practice your stencil designs on paper, experimenting with shading and blending colors. If you do not plan to copy our mural exactly, you can cut out your stenciled items and place them on the mural to experiment with layout. You may want to ad more bubbles, swirls, seaweed or fish. Refer to the actual package cover of each design for color selections. The covers will also give out step by step paint-outs of each design.


One quart each of flat latex paint is recommended. Remember that the mural can be expanded or reduced to fit almost any size wall.


  • Under the Sea Mural Stencils
  • Painters Tape
  • Flat white latex paint (1 pint)
  • Very pale blue latex paint (1 pint)
  • Pale sand latex paint (1 pint)
  • 1 can of liquid glaze
  • 1 car wash sponge
  • Plain blank white paper
  • Spill Proof™ Paint Colors in the following colors: Barn Red, Salem Green, Telemark Green, Colonial Golde, Historic Grown, Bright Red, Black, Golden Yellow, Savannah Peach, Meadow Green, Mexican Sand, Plum Rose, Periwinkle Blue, Turquoise, Light Turquoise, Walnut Brown